Welcome to Congregation Eitz Chayim
A Home for Wondering Jews
Congregation Eitz Chayim is a participatory Jewish congregation, home to an inclusive, egalitarian, multi-generational community.
- We gather to celebrate, express and nurture our Judaism. We seek and offer each other support through cycles of time and life.
- We foster lifelong wondering, questioning and learning, building on the curiosity of all ages.
- Through our Judaism, we seek to bring a constantly evolving spiritual and communal focus to our responsibility to care for, and better, the world.
We’re glad you have decided to visit our website to learn more about our wonderful Congregation and Hebrew School. We invite you to visit us on a Friday night, join us for the High Holy Days or festivals, or study with us. Help us as we join with other faith groups in providing sanctuary to our neighbors.
We would be delighted for you to join our community of Wondering Jews.
קהילת עץ חיים הינה קהילה יהודית משתפת את כל חבריה, ומשכנת עידה משלבת, שוויונית ובין–דורי. באמצעות היהדות שלנו, אנו שואפים להביע מוקד רוחני וקהילתי מתפתח סביב אחריותנו לטפח ולתקן את העולם.
Mon, February 10 2025
12 Shevat 5785
COVID-19 Guidelines
For all in-person gatherings, please carefully review our Covid-19 guidelines.
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 14 |
Feb 14 |
Feb 21 |
Mar 13 |
Mar 21 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
Join Our Mailing List
Congregation Eitz Chayim
Rabbi Liza Stern
Co-Presidents: Rachel Gunther & Ethan Seidman | Educator: Anne Kalis
136 Magazine Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 | Phone: (617) 497-7626
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